Ambersolv AB1

Ambersolv AB1 is a complex micro-emulsion cleaner, based on a blend of high-grade citrus oils and surfactants Easily diluted with water, the product offers all the natural cleaning power of citrus oils and contains no chlorinated or highly volatile solvents. An ideal alternative to traditional solvents and highly alkaline cleaning agents, Ambersolv AB1 is suitable for use throughout industry and will quickly remove: Oils, Greases, Fats, Tar, Bitumen, Silicones, Water-based Paints, Inks and Dyes
Ambersolv AB1 is effective at full strength but is also suitable for use at dilutions of up to 20:1 with water. Extremely versatile, the product may be applied by hand, brush, scrubbing, agitation, soaking and immersion or through spray washers, lance sprayers, cleaning baths, ultrasonic cleaners and other automated equipment.