Supplemental Coolant System Fill/Drain Cart

The SCS Fill/Drain Cart is designed in accordance with Airbus system and equipment engineering specifications to meet the special servicing requirements of the A350 supplemental cooling system and has been approved for use by Airbus following a series of rigorous validation tests.
It has the controls and capacity to perform aircraft system and consumer unit coolant drain, fill, clean and de-aerate operations.
It operates in automatic control modes for periodic PGW fluid system maintenance. The cart is equipped with an electrical power cord for wall power, an optional diesel generator set for onboard power, an integral Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), two variable speed pump drives, a HMI touchscreen, stainless steel components and piping.
The cart undercarriage features four wheel running gear with foam filled tires (4.00-8 NHS, 10-ply), full spring suspension, rear wheel parking brakes, tie down rings, towbar with 3 inch lunette eye and forklift provisions. The cart is fully enclosed with easy access doors for operation and maintenance, and a control panel cover with gas spring struts.